Connecting people, places and things. No matter how hard the challenge

We’re making the dream of connectivity a reality for some of the world’s most challenging emerging markets.

It starts with bringing the world closer to communities that need it most

OSB is connecting unserved and underserved communities around the world. Many for the first time ever.

Having internet access means having access to education, better medical care, business opportunities, family, and more. But for many hard to reach communities, that nearest internet connection can be a long walk or bus ride from home. OSB Prepaid Internet makes fast, affordable connectivity available to those who need it most so they can bring the world closer to home.

We’re advancing satellite’s capabilities. To move the world forward.

OSB is helping make the internet more accessible, available and affordable — to connect the world.

Where others see barriers, OSB sees opportunities. We believe our best-in-class satellite, wireless, and ground-based technology can overcome virtually any geographical, technological, or financial challenge that stands in the way of a connected world — helping us realize our mission to bring connectivity to the people, places, and things that need it most.

Our Solution

Mobile Backhaul

OSB SATCOM Services for Mobile Backhaul aim to support broadcasting, backup services for BTS and BSC stations in remote areas.

Value-added solutions

  • Expansion solutions for network operators and supporting socio-economic development by providing information access for remote stations
  • Monitoring network traffic via VSAT
  • Developing 3G, 4G, and 5G networks for carriers
  • Improving service quality with channel redundancy


  • Reasonable price for OPEX & CAPEX reduction
  • Stable connection with hybrid solutions
  • Monitoring and sharing traffic between BTS stations with low network capacity and uneven traffics.